A.I. Experiments



Google AI

Explore how teams at Google are using AI to create innovative new products and ... Test early-stage AI experiments and help shape the future of technology.

Introduction to Vertex AI Experiments

Vertex AI Experiments is a tool that helps you track and analyze different model architectures, hyperparameters, and training environments, letting you track ...

How it's Made

2024年1月24日 — This Lab Session gives you a glimpse of what's possible using the Gemini API. Use Google's AI offerings to bring your own ideas to life.

Experiments with Google

Since 2009, coders have created thousands of amazing experiments using Chrome, Android, AI, WebVR, AR and more. We're showcasing projects here, along with ...

All Experiments

Since 2009, coders have created thousands of amazing experiments using Chrome, Android, AI, WebVR, AR and more. We're showcasing projects here, along with ...

Explore Creative Lab experiments for children

Created using Chrome, Android, AI, AR and more, Experiments with Google are projects that push the boundaries of art, technology, design and culture.


LAB SESSIONS. Experimental AI collaborations with innovators to shape technology to meet their own unique needs.

數位科技系列:6款Google Experiments 所提供的數位參與 ...

2019年6月11日 — 到了2018年,有更多延伸應用,像是:【Scribbling Speech】、【Draw to Art】等都是在2017年所發展的AI Sketching (人工智慧塗鴉)應用的基礎上:「辨畫 ...

Explore the Fascinating World of Google's AI Experiments

21 小時前 — Discover the incredible possibilities of AI in recognizing doodles, creating music, translating objects, and visualizing bird sounds.


ExplorehowteamsatGoogleareusingAItocreateinnovativenewproductsand...Testearly-stageAIexperimentsandhelpshapethefutureoftechnology.,VertexAIExperimentsisatoolthathelpsyoutrackandanalyzedifferentmodelarchitectures,hyperparameters,andtrainingenvironments,lettingyoutrack ...,2024年1月24日—ThisLabSessiongivesyouaglimpseofwhat'spossibleusingtheGeminiAPI.UseGoogle'sAIofferingstobringyourownideastolif...